
SergeGainsbourgwasaFrenchsinger-songwriter,actor,composer,anddirector.RegardedasoneofthemostimportantfiguresinFrenchpop,hewasrenowned ...,Frenchsinger,songwriter,composer,writer,actoranddirector.,SergeGainsbourgwasaFrenchsinger-songwriter,actor,composer,anddirector.RegardedasoneofthemostimportantfiguresinFrenchpop,hewasrenowned ...,SergeGainsbourg[1]wasaFrenchmusician,singer-songwriter,author,...

Serge Gainsbourg

Serge Gainsbourg was a French singer-songwriter, actor, composer, and director. Regarded as one of the most important figures in French pop, he was renowned ...

Serge Gainsbourg

French singer, songwriter, composer, writer, actor and director.

Serge Gainsbourg

Serge Gainsbourg was a French singer-songwriter, actor, composer, and director. Regarded as one of the most important figures in French pop, he was renowned ...

Serge Gainsbourg

Serge Gainsbourg [1] was a French musician, singer-songwriter, author, filmmaker and actor.[6] Regarded as the most important figure in French pop whilst ...

Serge Gainsbourg | John Peel Wiki

Serge Gainsbourg (born Lucien Ginsburg; 2 April 1928 – 2 March 1991) was a French singer-songwriter, actor, composer, and director.


沙治基斯保(法文:Serge Gainsbourg,1928年4月2號—1991年3月2號)係個法國歌手、作曲家、鋼琴家、電影作曲家、詩人、畫家、編劇、作家、演員同導演。